Friday, June 25, 2010

The Independent and Dependent Woman

Independent to me- basically you take care of you and yours, dependent- you expect someone to take care of you and yours! With that being said is there a difference of the independent/dependent woman in race today? Has it always been like this..

I chatted a little on FB about this with friends but I would like your opinions as well.... I had a couple of white women tell me that I need to find a rich man to marry so I can sit at home and be taken care of... hmmm really... this had me thinking... Do white mothers teach their daughters this, is this the mindset of young white girls and how long has it been this way? Also do black mother's teach their daugthers to think like this? Is there a difference in teaching between race?... Now growing up my mother always told me if there's something you want go get it and do not wait for anybody to get it for you.

I have also heard this from my Hispanic females as well..go and find a Hispanic man to take care of you... I don't understand this and maybe it's because I do not follow this concept or have this mindset!! Someone talk to me.. Speak on it!